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Italy / Italy

Alessandro Sciarroni

UNTITLED_I will be there when you die

UNTITLED_I will be there when you die

Alessandro Sciarroni considers himself neither dancer nor choreographer. Yet, to his amazement, he has been adopted by the dance world and is a regular guest at dance festivals. In his latest creation, four professional jugglers demonstrate their incredible skills: combining tenacious stamina, effortless delicacy, and resolute repetition — always under the threat of coming to grief. «UNTITLED_I will be there when you die» is neither dance, theatre, nor circus, says Sciarroni, but a piece made from throws, rhythm and music. It is a breathtaking, meditative study in movement on the passage of time and the fragility of human existence. (kdi)


Juggling, Dance
Duration60 mins
SeebühneThe auditorium of the lakeside stage is sheltered. In case of bad weather the performance will be cancelled. Call 0848 000 414 or check www.theaterspektakel.ch or www.facebook.com/theaterspektakel the latest two hours before to find out if the performance takes place.