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    presented by
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Tasca beat is the new music from Portugal waiting to be discovered: This refreshing mix of cheerfulness, nostalgia and humour is a speciality of the Lisbon band OqueStrada. Their name is reminiscent of the word «street» and that is where they come from and still play as well as in the Tascas, the little corner bars, where emigrants and locals meet. In 2002, the actress and singer Marta Miranda and the French double bassist Jean Marc Pablo started with a «mobile musical». Since then, they have almost continuously been performing and expanded to become an octet. Their music bears elements from Brazil, the Cape Verde Islands and Africa, reflecting Portugal’s colonial past. Their fame, quite rightly, has far exceeded Portugal’s streets as they enthuse audiences everywhere they play. (ron)


SeebühneThe auditorium of the lakeside stage is sheltered. In case of bad weather the concert will be cancelled. Call 0848 000 414 or check www.theaterspektakel.ch or www.facebook.com/theaterspektakel the latest two hours before to find out if the performance takes place.http://www.facebook.com/theaterspektakel